Number One: Who ever thought to take the convenient shape of chapstick and turn it into a bulky, awkward roundness, was cray cray. It fits quite awkwardly anywhere in my bag or my pocket, and its nicely just about nowhere. Plus, there is no graceful way to apply it. I can't glide it along my lips, I have to fumble trying to smush it against the corners of my mouth. Round chapstick should be a nogo.
Number Two: It last all about three seconds. Then I might as well reapply. In fact, I guess I could just hold it in the palm of my hand all day; that is the one place it kinda-sorta-not-really fits.
Number Three: I maybe just a little bit feel like a poser.
So if you are wondering, I wouldn't buy one.
On another note, this week I discovered the sweetest app evs. Duolingo. I am strengthening my French, learning Spanish, and I passed level one in German and Italian. This one, is worth it.

Number Two: I have studied in school how language is best acquired, and this app has the research in its pocket. It relies entirely on context clues, and does quite a superb job of scaffolding.
Number Three: It strengthens listening, speaking, writing, and reading skills. Wow, that is pretty much the lot.
So if you want to learn some other language, or even if you are just bored, or even if you are as busy as superman, try the app. I am recommending it.
This is such a cool post Michaelanne!!! I'm going to have to try out Duolingo :)
ReplyDeleteSecretly, I have always wanted one of those round chapsticks as well. I'm glad you tried it so I don't have to! And that app sounds pretty rad :)